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Jüdische Schulen / Wien - Berlin - Praha
Das jüdische Kulturfestival in Prag

Vorbereitungstext / English

Der Schabbat gilt im Judentum als heilig:
Schabbat Kodesch

Chat am 10-11-2000 / 9:00h - 10:00h
Moderation: Meir Seidler / Bar Ilan <m-meir>

[Fri Nov 10 08:41:47 GMT+01:00 2000] m-seidler: Uni-Dozent
<v-michael> david, erklär doch mal die paar hilfreichen klicks für vergößerung etc
<v-michael> meir, wenn sie rausgehen, müssen sie oben auf der leiste auf "raum" gehen und auf "schließen" klikken-.
<m-meir> michael hat gestern gemeint, da waeren so tolle Optionen
<v-michael> unter "optionen" können sie auf "zeichen vergrößern" drücken"
<m-meir> z.B. Kaffee bestellen und so
<m-meir> ich habe kein zeichen vergroessern
<m-meir> ich habs doch
> oben in der leiste (dem blauen streifen ganz oben) unter optionen anklicken.
<v-michael> gut, dann gibt es die gesamte bildvergrößerung rechts oben
<m-meir> jaja, ich habs ja schon
> der ganze chat lässt sich auch vergrößern auf bildschirmgröße
<m-meir> o.k.
> ok
<v-michael> so, jetzt fehlt nur noch der privat-chat (nicht Pivat-Jet)
<v-michael> meir, unten auf der gelben leiste steht "doppelklick ...". wenn sie rechts doppelklick auf einen namen gehen, öffnet sich das "privatfenster"
<v-michael> machen sie mal bei david oder mir
<v-michael> was war das, david?
> er hat's versucht...
<v-michael> ich meinte nicht doppelklick auf den ein-und-aus-schalter
[Fri Nov 10 08:58:23 GMT+01:00 2000] g-iris: I live in Berlin
[Fri Nov 10 09:00:03 GMT+01:00 2000] m-meir: stam
[Fri Nov 10 09:00:23 GMT+01:00 2000] b-jacob:
[Fri Nov 10 09:00:32 GMT+01:00 2000] b-mara: teacher jüdishe oberschule
<b-jacob> Hallo, da bin ich
<b-mara> Good morning
[Fri Nov 10 09:01:06 GMT+01:00 2000] b-sebastian:
[Fri Nov 10 09:01:11 GMT+01:00 2000] B-Schlomo:
<b-mara> Is anybody there?
<b-jacob> ja
<b-mara> hahaha

<m-meir> hallo, this is meir from Israel, your moderator. How are you?
<b-sebastian> kein Problem
<b-jacob> ja, es hat eine ganze weile gedauert.
<B-Schlomo> fine thank you.
<b-mara> it took much longer because we hooke up with the Shoah site at haGalil first.
<b-sebastian> jacob wie gehts?
<m-meir> are we waiting for the participators from Prague now?
<b-jacob> Mir geht es sehr gut.
<m-meir> mein Englisch ist auch nicht das Alte, sollte eigentlich participants heissen
<b-sebastian> Hallo hier is sebastian
[Fri Nov 10 09:05:35 GMT+01:00 2000] LeXXa: male
<v-michael> nachricht von der Prager Schule, sie sind bereits im internet-cafe mit zwei Lehrern und sind beim ein-loggen.
<b-mara> super
<m-meir> We can start without them and they will join us afterwards
[Fri Nov 10 09:06:23 GMT+01:00 2000] b-anja:
<LeXXa> Hallo aus Prag. Wir sind vorbereitet fuer chat
<m-meir> ist Lexxa Prag?
<b-jacob> yo
<b-mara> Let's begin!

<m-meir> o.k.
<m-meir> Did you read the paper on Shabbat?
<b-jacob> yes, i have read it
<b-mara> yes
<m-meir> so, if you have any questions, remarks ...welcome
<b-mara> what were your reactions to the text?
<b-jacob> The text was very intresting. Since four years i am on the JOS (Jüd. Oberschule, Berlin) but i didn´t know so much abuot this as now...
[Fri Nov 10 09:09:33 GMT+01:00 2000] Ondra
[Fri Nov 10 09:09:59 GMT+01:00 2000] b-steve
<b-steve> hey ondra
<b-jacob> JOS=Jewish Highschool
<Johana and Daniel> shalom there everybody .there is prag.....:)
<beth> where am I???:o))
[Fri Nov 10 09:11:11 GMT+01:00 2000] Yehuda
<b-anja> have you learned something from this text?
<m-meir> Well, let's start
<b-jacob> yes

<Johana and Daniel> SABAT KODES...
<m-meir> What do you think about not doing any work on schabbat? Is it still appropriate in our times - or was it only appropriate then, but not now?
<b-mara> I like the idea of removing the separation between G-d and ourselves and therefore bringing us closer
<Yehuda> Hello everybody Yehuda is sending you greetings from Prague
<m-meir> mara, how do you mean this?
<Johana and Daniel> lets get to some questions - who´ll be holding shabat in proper way,nuu?
<Johana and Daniel> Hello Jehuda!!!
<Ondra> Hello Jehuda!
<Yehuda> Hello v Schabat Schalom
<beth> hi, jehuda:o))
<m-meir> Shabbat Shalom, what about your questions?
<p-michael> I think that Shabbat is about doing any work.
<Yehuda> What about resting.
<Ondra> Johana:Hello Johana, how are you?

<m-meir> Vy v Praze, tak se nestydte (This is for the czech guys)
[Fri Nov 10 09:18:37 GMT+01:00 2000] b-anja
<p-michael> meir: My se nestydime.
<Ondra> Ja se nestydim. :-)
<m-meir> I am sitting here and waiting for questions.
<b-mara> Aren't we supposed to be doing this in English?
<m-meir> yes
<beth> <m-meir> teda ja se vubec nestydim..>o]]
<Yehuda> Guys there is a question: Why is not allowed to use the electricity on Schabbat, when it is so easy???
<Johana and Daniel> ok we are going into it really tough this time
<p-michael> meir: OK, some question. Do you do all Shabbat mizvots?
<Ondra> kacha kacha
<m-meir> I start with the question of Yehuda. It is not a matter of effort
<beth> yehuda: i'm not "guy...", i'm girl.
<Yehuda> Sorry - my mistake.
<b-jacob> no,i am not jewish but it is very intresting to learn abuot it.
<m-meir> According to Rabbi Hirsch, the forbidden "work" is all sorts of activities which make us the nature subservient.

<b-mara> do you have kabbalat shabbat in your school?
<Johana and Daniel> i think that the mitzva which is standing above all other mitzvot is that you have to make the shabat a pleasent relaxing holy day - what d ya think?
<Yehuda> So what you think about that
<m-meir> Johana and Daniel: "pleasent and relaxing" ist fine, but it is still not Judaism.
<b-mara> i think the idea of 'genuss' or enjoyment is a great concept, because celebrating life is just as important as being solemn, and prayoing, etc.
<m-meir> Is there anybody on the world who thinks being Jewish is just "pleasant and relaxing"?
<Yehuda> Pleasent and relaxing belongs to the Judaism, it is the most important but is that it?
<m-meir> so lets relax
<m-meir> are you relaxed now?
<Yehuda> ...of course it is not the most important thing
<beth> m-meir: sure:o]
<Yehuda> But it belongs to that as well
<b-anja> joijoijoji
[Fri Nov 10 09:24:01 GMT+01:00 2000] SCHLOMO
<Yehuda> We are very well relaxed
<Johana and Daniel> the other mitzvot are there to serve to make it not only relaxing and pleasant,but also HOLY(!!) as i said so in the final it is "holy relaxing"...
<Yehuda> Shabbat - Shin Bet Tav - Sheina be Shabat Taanug - Sleeping in the Shabbat is joy.
<m-meir> What about making the Shabbat a completely different day, I think this is not possible by appealing to ones thoughts, one must behave differently, therefore there are many kinds of activities forbidden.
<b-mara> How many of you actually honor the sabbath? I must admit that I do not so it all the time.
<m-meir> If Shabbat were only "relaxing", well everybody relaxes in one or another way.
<p-michael> I am not honoring all shabbat mitzvos. But i think that i am not Jew. But my mum is.
<m-meir> You know what, being Jewish is one of the biggest advantures in the world.
<Yehuda> I don´t thing that we are talking only in the meaning Shabbat=relaxing, but we are talking Shabbat= ...+relaxing as its part
<m-meir> like being Schwarzenegger all the time
<SCHLOMO> hi are there any students from viena ???
<Johana and Daniel> actually we make some good dinner, kidus, havdala, then sleep all day,pray... spent that day only with G-D.
<m-meir> Johana and Daniel: and spend it also with the family
<m-meir> The family is very important in Judaism, it has religious value
<Johana and Daniel> we think that yehuda is right!
<Yehuda> There is a law: Half to the G-d and half to the us.
<Johana and Daniel> to meir : Yes, that is a part of it.....
<m-meir> The family is a place, where we are all "true", we can not "play" someone else in the family, everybody there knows us to well
<m-meir> Therefore Judaism was instituted not by a lonely guy, but by a family.
<m-meir> Abraham, Isaac and Yaakov.
[Fri Nov 10 09:31:54 GMT+01:00 2000] b-jacob:
<m-meir> Am I being to philosophical?
<b-mara> no
<p-michael> On shabbat we can not go far away from house, so we must be at home with family. And it is OK.
<beth> can i ask? who is from czech republic???:o))
<Yehuda> Do you think that Abraham was keeping Shabbat?
<p-michael> I am from CZ
<Johana and Daniel> yeah if you are true,the schina will acompany you...
<Yehuda> Yehuda temporally Prague citizen

<m-meir> Johana and Daniel: You know what? You are right. G-d's seal is "emet" (Wahrheit, pravda).
[Fri Nov 10 09:34:00 GMT+01:00 2000] B-SCHLOMO
<p-michael> beth: Why do you ask?
<Yehuda> What about my question
<Ondra> Yehuda: What was your question. I would like to answer it.
<b-mara> I am not sure about Abraham. What do you think?
<m-meir> Yehuda: I am not sure, if he kept Shabbat in the way we keep it.
<p-michael> Ondra: Read it.
<Johana and Daniel> what do you think is the diference between how the chasididim and other jews enjoy the shabat?
<m-meir> According to our tradition, he did keep all the mitzvoth, although he was not obliged to do so.
[Fri Nov 10 09:36:25 GMT+01:00 2000] b-sebastian
<Ondra> Michael: I will. Dont care.
<Yehuda> But there are sayings that he was keeping whole Torah.
<m-meir> But I am not sure about the meaning of that. For example when the angels came, he gave them meat and milk to drink
<Johana and Daniel> Jehuda / I agree with m-meir
<m-meir> About chassidim: I think that the Rebbe plays a great role there.
<m-meir> it is not only the family but also the Rebbe.
<Yehuda> The commentators says that they drunk the milk and after that they eat the meat.
<b-mara> Jacob and Schlomo are going to the other computer room, so they will be back in few minutes.
<b-mara> stefan, too
<Johana and Daniel> ok
<beth> p-michael: becouse someone wrote with me and he thought i'm from germany...
<m-meir> The Rebbe uses sometimes to orginize a "Tisch"
<m-meir> You know what is a chassidic "Tisch"?
<Johana and Daniel> that chasidim embrace the G-D trough the joy,no?
<b-mara> meir: no, what is it?
<Yehuda> I think you have describe what is TISCH
<m-meir> "Tisch" is table (stul)
<beth> m-meir: i'm not sure....:o)))
<Yehuda> But what is rabbi doing on the table?
<m-meir> There are like dozens of Chassidim around the table singing and hearing "words of Tora"
<Yehuda> Of course after that there is also some food.
<m-meir> The singing is really the most important thing there, it elevates the soul.
<Yehuda> from the rabbi, is giving it
<Johana and Daniel> what d you think means "Listening to the words of Torah"?
<m-meir> The food is less important

<Yehuda> But is there :-)))
<m-meir> The Rebbe tells something about the Weekly portion (Parashat hashawua)
<Yehuda> Just to know, this Weekly portion is Lech Lecha.
<m-meir> Right
<m-meir> Yehuda, where are you from
<Johana and Daniel> is this mean just to listen properly what are the words or is there something more important?
<Yehuda> Now from Prague
<m-meir> not now, but then
<Yehuda> Israel
<p-michael> In Chassidism Rebbe is very important because he is "holy man" and so when he say something just listening to it is holy too. I thing.
<m-meir> Johana and Daniel: he is simply interpreting a passage in the Tora.
<m-meir> The Tora is supposed to be actual always, so we can always learn from it. Even in the age of Hi-tech
[Fri Nov 10 09:46:13 GMT+01:00 2000] g-sonja: Goethe-Institut München
<p-michael> meir: You are right.
<b-mara> ok people, i have to go teach now, but Jacob and schlomo and Stefan are staying on. thanks and see you next week!
<Yehuda> Well I think today´s theme is a Shabbat not Chassidim
<Johana and Daniel> but if you have to stand before G-D alone,and there will be question "can you listen to MY Torah properly",what d u say?
<m-meir> So ask questions about the shabbat!
<Johana and Daniel> we have to go... see you(today it was good dicusion)...
<m-meir> Bye
<m-meir> Shalom
<LeXXa> Hallo everyone
<p-michael> We can not ask, we must go back to school... So see you in Prague... Bye...
<Yehuda> Can we continue in this?
<LeXXa> Bye everyone :-)
<m-meir> I am still here.
<Yehuda> bye everybody, it was interesting.
<Yehuda> I hope I will come from other place and continue.
<Yehuda> Thank you very much and Shabbat Shalom!
<m-meir> Shabat Shalom, Yehuda!
<m-meir> That's it? It was very profound!! Ich habe einen absoluten Beweis fuer die Existenz G-ttes. Mein Computer hat mich kein einziges Mal herausgeschmissen.
Na Sheladanou!

haGalil onLine 12-11-2000



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